From virtual global discussions, virtual team work experiences, online knowledge management to hundreds of physical meetings/conferences, team experiences, coaching with top executives and more…..AIESEC offers you a unique global learning environment to explore and develop your potential!
By participating in AIESEC, you develop certain Leadership competences that help you to improve your personal and professional skills. Those competences are carefully followed up in the organization during all your AIESEC experience, so you can see and track your development.
The AIESEC Global Learning Environment
| Individual discovery – Are you aware of who you are? What do you want in life? What makes you happy? What makes you vibe? Our actions help you to discover the sense of your life and guide you towards the best decisions in your personal and professional opportunities. |
| Team Experiences - Teams are the basis of our current organizational structure. You can be part of teams from 4 members to lead the organization to over 35,000 members. Our teams’ experiences are comprised of a common goal, plan, specific period of time and constant evaluation and recognition of success. You can manage projects, manage organizational processes and operations, organize events and much more. Teams also bring forward the aspect of ‘learning by doing’ |
| Mentoring – Mentoring relationships provide an important source of external feedback –with other AIESEC members or AIESEC partners/supporters- about your decisions in AIESEC and outside of AIESEC. Through mentoring we create friendly relationships among all of our stakeholders and powerful networks.
Virtual Spaces - Our virtual spaces play the role of tying together the entire learning environment and AIESEC network. is our unique online platform of resources, contact information, forums, news, classifieds and constant promotion of exchange and leadership opportunities at a local, national and international level. At the same time, AIESEC is present in the main online channels such as Youtube, Flickr, Facebook to keep you connected to your AIESEC friends in all parts of the world.
| Conferences and Seminars - AIESEC holds over 470 national and international conferences every year which gather AIESEC members, partners, sponsors, alumni, etc. These conferences currently serve to support major organisational activity. You can either attend or organize these conferences in your city/country and receive AIESEC members from all over the world. See more about our AIESEC conferences here
| Learning Circles - AIESEC Learning Circles are local learning communities to discuss and share information about issues or topics that are common between members, partners or sponsors. The learning circles –virtual and physical- are formed by AIESECers who share a common interest in gaining experience, knowledge and networks in a common sector or topic.
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